Mission statements

family having meal at Christmas

The Vision of Imuhira Heza

Imuhira Heza is not an orphanage, it is a home for a family.  So our hope is that Imuhira Heza be a Light to the nation of Burundi where all may see that orphans and widows no longer need live as such.  Rather they can and should:

  • have a home where their basic needs are met.
  • thrive with dignity as mothers and children living together as family.
  • grow to believe that through God, they can do all things, regardless of their own strength or weakness.
  • contribute to their community through work and fellowship, thus sharing in the blessings of their Heavenly Father.

The Mission of Imuhira Heza

Imuhira Heza seeks to model the Heart of God for widows and orphans through the following:

  1. Do everything prayerfully, trusting God to work mightily through the faithful offering of gifts, both large and small.
  2. Form a team of partners within Burundi and beyond, whose hearts are aligned with God, and thus gladly desire to use their own blessings to bless others.
  3. Build homes, starting with one in Bujumbura which includes both a secure house and outdoor space where both widows and orphans will live together in dignity.
  4. Establish environments where God is worshiped in every aspect of life as the Father and Savior who desires to be known intimately.
  5. Grow and live as disciples while teaching and guiding all mothers and children to also grow and live as disciples.
  6. Provide basic needs to all in our care, such as food, clothing, education, healthcare, etc., assisting mothers to be able to adequately nurture the children, all the while encouraging creative ideas that work towards financial independence.
  7. Eventually host volunteers from Burundi and beyond who can join us for the purpose of experiencing God’s Kingdom, through blessing others and receive blessing in return.
family eating together
Children making some clay pots

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