Boneko's testimony

I was born Feb. 2, 1994 in Burundi, to Euphraim NTIRAMPEBA and Siphorian MINANI, but before I was born, my parents divorced and my father died, leaving my widowed mother to raise her 2 orphaned sons, in poverty, hated and rejected by my father’s family.

Apple of the Eyes

My mother gave me the name, BONEKO, meaning “Apple of the Eyes” because she said to me, “You are an apple of our nation’s eyes, and you will be a light of nations.” So I grew up with a desire to help other orphans and widows like us. One day a man from France offered to help us, and though we needed food, I asked if he could help with school fees, because I thought, “If I go to school, I will learn how to care for orphans and widows”, and when I was baptized, I promised God I would do that.

I attended a boarding school where I did well, but it was hard having my poor mother far away. When I graduated in 2013, because no family came to celebrate, I did not go to accept my certificate. So I celebrated my success alone, quietly with God, listening for His Holy Spirit to encourage me.

That year was a time of prayer, fasting, and meditating on God’s Kingdom, asking Him to show me how I can do his precious works of helping orphans and widows, since I still had nothing. God heard my prayers, and I got a job teaching children, and I used my salary for this precious works. Then God  showed me that I can do University, and when I finished in 2017, I got a job in YWAM. Later, I joined Salt Lake Bible College where I studied the Bible for 2 years, and again I heard God tell me, “You are going to be a light of this nation.”

Boneko as a child with his mother
Boneko as an adult

House of Majesty

Since I have used my education to serve the poor and not gain wealth, some people have rejected me and my way of living. Also growing up without a father, I experienced rejection because of having no status in society. But my Father God has given me another family in Canada, and with them, we have begun building IMUHIRA HEZA, which means: Home of Majesty. Together we prayed and were given this name, and together we have laid the foundation for the home.

God loves the widows and orphans as His Bride and as His Children, and He wants to show this to the people of my nation, Burundi. I praise HIM that you have listened to His Heart and are considering supporting His Work in our beautiful nation that He is healing and bringing into His Kingdom.

Thank you.




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