A Day in the Life

kids mural

Off to school!

The day begins early around 6:00 am when Mama Janvier, Grand-mére Jeanette and the older girls awake and prepare a breakfast of porridge for the others, who get up at 6:30.

After breakfast is eaten, and the children are dressed in their school uniforms and have all their supplies ready for the day, those who attend school in the morning walk together to school, which begins around 7:15.  Some of the children attend only in the afternoon.

It can be difficult for orphans to be accepted by their classmates. However, because the children have been blessed with a home where they live as a family, they do not struggle as much to fit in.

Children dressed for school

Lunch time

While most of the children study Reading and Writing, Math, and French at school, Mama Janvier and Grand-mére Jeanette clean the home, wash dishes, arrange the children’s clothes, go to market when necessary, and prepare lunch for those who will attend school that afternoon, and for those who will return after the morning.

The children really appreciate coming home to a prepared meal, often beans, vegetables, and bread made from cassava or maize. This is something they did not experience before when they were still struggling in the village or city as orphans.

Mamas preparing a meal

Work and play

The children will attend school at different times of the day, depending on their grade level and the school they attend.  After they return home, they will help with chores such as sweeping & mopping, filling water buckets (as running water is available only 1-2 days a week), peeling yams, etc.  After they've had a sufficient meal, they have a time to rest and play. They might build something from the clay in the yard, play a game of tag or cards, or sing and dance.  The older ones will go over their lessons from school, studying and completing assignments.

meal prep

Dinner and devotions

Their evening meal usually contains beans, vegetables, and rice. Mama Janvier and Mama Jeanette lead the family in a time of worship and prayer, giving thanks to God for His protection and providing them a home and food for another day.  This is also a time of asking God’s blessings, not only on their own home, but also on Boneko and Sarah and their sons Bosco, Darin, and Sheilagh, as well as all who support them.  These deep prayers come from hearts that are truly filled with gratitude.

Boneko and Sarah Theresa Bonaventure

A helping hand

Calixte is always around watching over the home, helping the mamas with their work, tutoring the children, helping with their homework, and taking care of regular home maintenance. But if the family has other needs such as purchasing food and supplies, mediating conflicts, harvesting the gardens, bringing a sick child to the doctor, etc. Boneko ("Papa") is quick to show up and help, even if it means getting up in the middle of the night.

Whenever possible, Boneko and Sarah will stop by to help prepare a meal and join the family for worship & prayer, encourage the children, or just spend time playing with the children.


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