Beliefs and Values

COS-Burundi Statement of Belief

We believe that a Triune God created all things, including humanity which He made in His Image to be with Him. We believe that when humanity chose their own desires over union with God, they separated themselves from their Source of Life, thus ultimately choosing death.

We believe that Jesus, the Divine Son of God, came down to earth as the promised Messiah, and through His death and resurrection alone can humans be reconciled to God and once again live together with Him in His Eternal Kingdom.

We believe that we can be in God’s Kingdom even now when we live as Jesus did – gladly serving our community with love and kind compassion, so that others to may also know Jesus intimately and enter into the Kingdom of God.

Kirundi Bible
Boneko visiting
Children and mamas dancing

COS-Burundi Core Values

Imuhira Heza values these Godly virtues:

  1. To hold fast to Prayer and reading of Scripture as a foundational way of honouring God, interceding for others, and seeking wisdom and guidance.
  2. To Remember and Declare the Lordship and Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit over all accomplishments and trials, and also our own role as stewards and disciples.
  3. To Recognize and Celebrate all people, regardless of age, gender, tribe, race, nationality, wealth, or status, as Created Equally in the Image of God and worthy of both receiving and giving blessings to others.
  4. To encourage and empower those in need to grow beyond dependence to a place of enjoying the dignity of being contributing members of society.
  5. To act with Honesty and Transparency in all communications and interactions with everyone in all instances.
  6. To work in Collaboration with all groups whom God connects us with, thus upholding Love and Unity always.
  7. To model Forgiveness and Confession as God’s way of resolving conflict with humble Reconciliation.

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