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Welcome to Imuhira Heza
Home of Majesty

IMUHIRA HEZA (Home of Majesty) is not an orphanage. 

It is a Home for a Family of those whom we consider as no longer widows & orphans.

Father of orphans, champion of widows,
is God in His Holy House.

Psalm 68:5 (MSG)

Pastor singing with children

Find out more about Imuhira Heza

Imuhira Heza is a Movement of Christian Orphanage Services Burundi (founded by Boneko Bonaventure) which seeks to model the Heart of God for widows and NOT viewing them as widows and orphans.

You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a refuge from the storm and a shade from the heat. (Isaiah 25:4)

A brief introduction to Imuhera Heza

A brief introduction

Imuhira Heza, Kirundi for “Home of Majesty”, is a home for children who have been orphaned from their birth families.  Currently 2 moms who have lost their earthly husbands & children care for 21 children so they may live in Dignity as God created them.  Eventually the home will house 4 moms and 40 - 50 children.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.
(James 1:27)

Imuhira Heza seeks to do more than just provide basic needs to the poor.  With a team of partners in Burundi and beyond, we hope to be a "Light" shining how ALL can join in growing God's Kingdom in the place where He has planted them. 

They should be called "Oaks of Righteousness", for they are planted by the LORD in order that He may be Glorified. (Isaiah 61:3)

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